Download my Resume

I am François Clerbout.
Robotics engineer, teacher of rapid prototyping and embedded systems and sports lover.

More About Me

As a robotics engineer with a passion for science and technology, I love learning and passing on my knowledge. So you'll find me either designing a prototype, teaching future engineers or playing sports (and all of that for my pleasure).

Work Experience and Education.

CAPGEMINI ENGINEERING Systems Integration Architect for Test Benches/Simulators for ATR in Blagnac, France
September 2023 - Today

Development of the simulator architecture (HW&SW).
Development of software tools and scripts for the continuous improvement of the bench.
Re-injection of flight or test data onto simulators for replay or automatic testing: industrialising the process.
Project management and aeronautical system V&V.

CAPGEMINI ENGINEERING Robotics, Mechatronics & Prototyping Trainee in Blagnac, France
March 2023 - August 2023

Development of a mini-factory prototype as part of a reconfigurable production system demonstrator : CAD, mechanical sizing, electronics, embedded software, HMI and wireless network deployment.
Helping to develop other prototypes : hydrogen turbine (battery and motor sizing, electronics, on-board software development and HMI development), flexible robotic arm (feasibility study and modelling).

LOGISTA HOMETECH Artificial Intelligence and Embedded Electronics Trainee in Achicourt, France
May 2022 - August 2022

Development of an automatic analysis model for boiler data : Fast Fourier Transform, classification by mathematical indicators and weighted averages
Set up and deployed LoRa centralization boxes, was responsible of the schedule.
Analized the frames coming from LoRa sensors in order to decode them (codec).
Prototyping of a sensor/actuator and an embedded system for the Opentherm protocol (reference protocol in the field).
Realized the functional analysis of an innovative sensor/actuator related to boilers and interacted with the company that will develop it for september 2023.
Trained and teached a technician in Python coding.
Responsible of the schedule and interaction with subcontractors.

IAM SA IT developer in Geneva, Switzerland
July 2021 - August 2021

Developed an API linked with Microsoft Intune and UniFi.
Proposed and implemented a solution of invoice data extraction software for future analysis and cost monitoring.
Set up and deployed a time clock for employees.

JUNIA ISEN LILLE Supervisor of robotics projects
September 2021 - today

Provide technical expertise.

Engineering degree in ISEN Lille Specialized in Mobile Robotics
September 2020 - August 2023

Engineering studies in France. Learning of computer science, electronics, mechanics, project management, ethics, mathematics, and physics.

I've got some skills.

Junior engineer in robotics, I learn eagerly every day.

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A selection of recent projects I have worked on.

Stay tuned as I add new projects regularly !
Feel free to have a look at my GitHub page, there are many more projects than here and also some tutorials... 🧐
You can also check this post of a holonomic robot developed in three weeks at school.

Java Development

Boxing Simulator

Project Link

If you want to strain your nerves, I invite you to take a look at the code and then play it.

MATLAB Development

Kinematics Simulations of a Four Mecanum Wheeled Mobile Robot

Project Link

It's always better to see a robot move...and to understand how.

C++, HTML, CSS, Javascript Development

Holonomic Robot for Education

Project Link

Take these codes, replicate them, understand them and have fun !

MATLAB Development

Image Processing (Quality Enhancement)

Project Link

Having a nice picture to frame it or just analyse's more useful.

M. François CLEBOUT a travaillé en 2021 durant plusieurs mois avec notre équipe informatique. Il a géré certains projets de manière autonome comme chef de projet et dans d'autres il a été comme membre de l'équipe. M. François CLERBOUT est vraiment un garçon très bien. Il est autonome, comprend vite, comprend la technique, débrouillard, entreprenant et propose des solutions pragmatiques. Il s'est intégré très rapidement dans notre équipe IT et pour ces projets a construit de très bonnes relations avec les autres membres de l'entreprise. Ce fût un plaisir de travailler avec lui. C'est un garçon prometteur et je lui souhaite un bel avenir.

Dejan Tadic IT manager of a financial company.

François Clerbout est un de mes étudiants en robotique les plus motivés. Pour l'avoir encadré en projet je peux dire qu'il veut toujours aller plus loin que les objectifs initiaux. À l'aise sur les problématiques mécatroniques et informatiques il est le lead de son équipe et est très à l'aise dans ce rôle. Je recommande vivement François pour ses compétences et son appétence à apprendre qui j'en suis sûr le guideront vers une carrière pleine de réussites.

Maxime Cheramy Robotic teacher, JUNIA ISEN Lille

Mr. Francois CLERBOUT is a first year engineering student for the academic year 2021/2022. I have been working with him for 3 years now as his robotics teacher. Mr. Francois CLERBOUT regularly shows a lot of skills and autonomy in solving problems related to the robotics field of study. Regularly active, and always ready to go out of his comfort zone, Mr. Francois CLERBOUT is remarkable by a substantial skills in both fundamental scientific theory and practical technique. Also I would like to insist on the very high added value of his soft skills allowing him to have both good social cohesion and integrity. His responsibility, his capacity of analysis, his loyalty and his leadership make of Mr. Francois CLERBOUT, a true leader.

Steeve Mbakop, PhD Robotics and Automation, MSc Robotics and Autonomous Transportation, Design Mechanical Engineer Robotic teacher, JUNIA ISEN Lille